Capital City: Nairobi
Population: 38 million
Airport: Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)
Time Zone: EAT
Dialing Code: +254
Currency: Kenyan Shillings (KES), USD 1 = KSH 100
Language: Swahili, English
Climate: Tropical
Altitude: 762m above sea level
Main attractions: Savannah Safari, Mountain Hiking, Beaches and culture
High season: Jan-March, June, Nov-Dec
Low season: April-May
Kenya is an magical country with the overwhelming appeal of the wildlife, beaches, and breathtaking scenery in a vast and untouched terrain. From true glacial ice to arid desert, mountain massifs to rich savannahs, large lakes and dense forest: to the Indian Ocean coast, a place of white sandy beaches, turquoise seas and archaeological antiquities. Kenya is destination of many splendors.